School Innovation and Improvement Plan
Outcome goals for this academic school year
Region IV
Justin Simmons, Principal
English Language Arts
- By June 2025, the percentage of students with disabilities and English learners demonstrating proficiency on grade level Reading Standards of Learning End of Course tests will increase by at least five percent.
- By June 2025, the overall pass rate on grade level Reading Standards of Learning End of Course tests will increase by at least three percent (from 87% to 90%).
- Build student background knowledge using evidence-based methods (i.e. mind maps, recognize patterns, critical and creative thinking strategies, utilizing intentional text sets)
- Use explicit instruction when students are learning new material and complex concepts and skills
- Utilize small groups and intervention to increase opportunities for students who need more practice to master standards
- Relationships: Provide explicit structures and practices, such as morning meetings, regular check-ins, and peer interaction activities, that promote relationship development in classrooms.
Success in Algebra Before High School
- By June 2025, the projected enrollment of ESOL and Hispanic students for 2025-2026 in Algebra I will increase by 5% in each subgroup over 2024-2025 enrollment.
- By June 2025, the projected enrollment in 2025-2026 in Algebra I and Algebra I Honors will increase by 5% overall over 2024-2025 enrollment.
- Increase school communication about open enrollment to ensure all school staff (including elementary schools) communicate a shared message around open enrollment and mathematics course pathways.
- Increase systems of support during the school day, after school and summer to help students achieve success in mathematics.
- Increase students' self-efficacy around the ability to be successful in mathematics.
By June 2025, our risk ratios will decrease in each category by at least 1 or more level for the subgroups of Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, Students with Disabilities, MLL - Level 1-4, and Free and Reduced Meals.
- Utilize an MTSS framework to establish and organize a schoolwide continuum of proactive behavior and wellness supports which will provide targeted interventions to students at different level of need.
- Provide tailored professional development for teachers and staff on Tier 1 wellness practices, including culturally responsive teaching, conflict resolution, and trauma-informed care. Offer specialized training on restorative justice for effective disciplinary approaches.
- Leverage existing structures to support discipline practices.