After School Program

After School Specialist

SCMS Afterschool Program Registration Form

SPRING 2025 Middle School Track & Field Participant Registration Form

FCPS Middle School Sports Athletic Participation / Parental Consent - Physical Examination Form

2025 Spring Track & Field

Registration is now open for our 2025 Spring Track & Field season. Students must register using the Google form above. Before students can participate and practice, they must have a valid 2024-2025 physical examination on file. Students should register by March 31. Practice will start the week of March 31.

Parent Info Meeting on Tuesday, March 11.
Meet Schedule (sites to be determined)
  • April 26 - Meet 1
  • May 3 - Meet 2
  • May 10 - Meet 3
  • May 17 - Meet 4 
  • May 31 - Meet 5  (Robinson Championships- limited participation)

SCMS After-School Program Begins on Monday, September 16, 2024

SCMS After School Program Begins Monday September 16th. This will be the first day of late buses. Parents, please check Parent View in SIS to locate your child’s late bus. We only have six late buses, so it is very likely different from your child’s regular bus. The late run will say (SNLR Bus #). The bus stops will be different as well. Please review this with your child before they begin staying after school. Parents if you have any questions regarding after school, please feel free to reach out to Mr. Woodby. I am looking forward to getting started.

Late Bus Information 2024-2025

  • Late buses will be provided on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.
  • Late buses depart from SCMS at 4:45 pm. Buses depart from SCMS Entrance #6.
  • Check ParentVUE for information regarding routes and stops.  Late Bus numbers and stops are different than those during school hours. 
  • Parent Pick-Up is required on Fridays by 4:30 pm and when a student is staying past the late bus departure time on late bus days.
  • If you are picking your child up, please utilize the “Kiss and Ride” area near Entrance #1.
  • If your child is not taking a late bus home, please be sure to pick them up promptly at the conclusion of their activity to prevent unnecessary wait time by students and staff.

SY 2024-25 Club Schedule and Information

SCMS NFL Flag Football League – Mr. Woodby, & Mr. McLeod

Wednesday 2:30pm – 4:30pm/Evaluations on 9/18/24

Do you enjoy football!? Come out on Wednesdays during after school and participate in our competitive but friendly NFL Flag Football League. Evaluations will take place Wednesday 9/18/24 on our turf fields. Every student makes a team and games will be played every Wednesday. Team scrimmages on 9/25, to learn rules, games begin 10/2 – 12/11. 

Basketball Club (Open Gym) – Mr. McLeod 

 Mondays - Begins 9/16/24 2:30pm – 4:30pm/Main Gym.

Students will have the opportunity to play pick -up basketball games with friends in a safe environment.

SCMS Fall Volleyball League - Mr. Miller

Wednesday 2:30pm – 4:30pm/Main Gym/Evaluations on 9/18/24

Students will learn how to set/serve/spike during drills session and play in fun competitive games. Students will be placed on teams and compete weekly with a playoff tournament at the end including all teams. Evaluations are on Wed 9/18/24. Games will be played on Wednesdays. 

SCMS Video Game Club – After School Staff

Mon - Madden/ Wed & Thurs _ 2:30pm – 4:30pm/ A187

Students can participate in competitive video game tournaments like Madden, NBA2K, FIFA & Super Smash Bros. Will have access to Xbox’s, Playstation 5, arcade games, and Nintendo Switches. This is also a safe space for students to chill with friends.

SCMS Chess Club – Mr. Verdin

Thursdays 2:30pm – 3:30pm Begins 9/19/24/Aux Gym

 For students who love to play chess for fun. We will gather once a week to play chess with other students. Will possibly offer it on Thursdays as well. 

SCMS Dungeons & Dragons Club – Mr. Frye

Wednesdays 2:30pm – 4:30pm/A-156  9/19/24

This Club will meet each week on Wednesdays. After school activity devoted to the role-playing game Dungeons and Dragons.

SCMS Fall NBA Basketball League – Mr. Woodby & Mr. McLeod 

Thursdays once a week. Evaluations will be held on Thurs 9/19/24.

Students will be placed on teams and work together to use skills and fundamentals to compete in full court basketball games. 

SCMS Futsal League (Indoor Soccer) – Mr. Basim & Mr. Kho

Tuesdays 2:30pm – 4:30pm/Main Gym/Evaluations 9/17/24

Students will learn how to play indoor soccer AKA Futsal and play in fun competitive games. Students will be placed on teams and compete weekly with a playoff tournament at the end including all teams. Evaluations are on Tues 9/17/24. Games will be played on Wednesdays

Just for Fun Jeopardy, Kahoot, Trivia Club 

Wednesday’s 2:30pm – 3:30pm Aux Gym Begins 9/18/24

Do you enjoy trivia? Do you enjoy games that challenge your mind and pop culture knowledge. Come hangout with us on Wednesdays. Each winner will receive prizes! Look forward to seeing you there. 

Chill Zone – Mrs. Benner/Mr. Jasim Aux Gym 

Mon/Tues/Wed/Thurs 2:30pm – 4:30pm Begins 9/16/24. If you’re looking for a chill spot to hang out with your friends, listen to music, participate in Karaoke, Kahoot, Jeopardy, earn prizes, and enjoy a snack from the Mustang Café, then this space is for you.

Science Olympiad – Mr. Antonio Rm C249

Thursdays 2:30pm – 3:30pm 

Science Olympiad seeks to build excitement in STEM by offering fun and rewarding tournaments for middle school students. This program requires tryouts. 

Walk & Talk – Mr. Schneider Turf Fields

Thursdays 2:30pm – 3:30pm 9/19/24

Put your best foot forward while you hangout with friends and benefit from the healthy impact of getting outside and stretching your legs. Weather pending.

Yarn Club – Mrs. Mundt/Library

Thursdays 2:30pm – 3:30pm (first meeting September 19, 2024)

If you enjoy creating and crafting with yarn, then come join the Yarnies

Creation Station – Mrs. Johnson/Library

Mondays 2:30pm – 3:30pm

This is a Makerspace Club. Do you enjoy crafting and working on projects that challenge your mind. This is the Club for you. 

Mustang Movie Club
  • Wednesday, November 6
  • Wednesday, November 20
  • Monday, December 9
  • Monday, January 13
  • Monday, January 27

Do you like Disney movies? Come and relax and watch  a movie with friends during our Mustang Monday Movie Club!


After School Program Basics

  • There is no fee for the After-School Program (ASP) and all students are invited to attend.
  • The program is a mixture of structured academic and non-academic activities.  There are many options to choose from when deciding where to stay after school.
  • The ASP program runs Monday through Friday.  End times vary by activity.  Most activities are over by 4:45 pm.  Some may end earlier or run later.  Check with specific teachers/sponsors for detailed meeting time information.
  • Every student must return an After-School Registration Form(link is external).  Please make sure that both the student and parent signatures are provided. 
  • Students should make arrangements prior to the end of the school day when staying after with a specific teacher to ensure the teacher is available.
  • Student’s must be supervised at all times and are not permitted to wander around the building during after-school hours.
  • Discuss your child’s after-school plans every morning to prevent any confusion in the afternoon for the parent and student.
  • Encourage your student to get involved in as many activities as possible.  After-school is a great time to get extra academic help and enrichment, make new friends, build social skills, complete homework, and participate in specialized activities.

After School Program FAQs

Who can participate in the After-School Program?

  • All SCMS students may participate.

What is the bell schedule for after-school activities?

  • On late bus days, there will be two activity blocks that are each an hour long.  Students may leave after 1st block if they are picked up by a parent.  Late buses will depart at the conclusion of 2nd block.  If a student is catching the late bus, they must have both an 1st and 2nd block activity to stay in.  SCMS students will dismiss from the gym and should report there at the end of 2nd Block activities.

How will students know what bus to ride home?

  • Students should check the late bus listing which is available in SIS. They may see Mr. Woodby if they have further questions. Late buses begin on September 19th.

What fees are associated with the program?

  • The program is free of charge to all students. Some activities may have fees for competitions, conferences, and/or uniforms.

How do students sign up to participate?

  • Each club will have their own policy for participation.  If students are participating in a club or sport that requires a commitment, they are encouraged to see it through but are not required. Some clubs may have try outs, auditions, or registration forms.  

Can students start a new club?

  • Yes!  See the After-School Specialist for a “Club Proposal” form.

How many clubs can a student participate in?

  • Students may participate in as many activities as they like as long as they don’t meet at the same time on the same day.

Where can I find more information about the after school program?

  • The most accurate and up to date information can be found on the school website.

Are there After School Activities on Early Release School Days?

  • No, there are no after-school activities on early release days or if school is closed two hours early due to inclement weather.

Reasons to Participate

Research shows that participation in after-school programs leads to:

  • Increased classroom participation, homework completion and academic performance
  • Improved student behavior
  • Better student/adult relationships, peer relations, and emotional adjustment
  • Improved school attendance
  • More positive attitudes towards school
  • Reduced high-risk behavior
  • Increased participation in healthy recreational activities
  • Increased school, family, and community partnerships

Additional Information

  • All FCPS rules and regulations apply to the after-school program.  Students who do not abide by such rules and regulations will be disciplined accordingly including the possibility of losing after-school privileges.
  • In the event of an early closing due to inclement weather or emergency conditions, all after-school activities will be canceled and students will be sent home on their regular buses.
  • If your child is absent from school, they are not permitted to participate in after-school activities that day.
  • Students with academic obligations should fulfill those prior to attending a non-academic club or activity.