Academic Advising / Course Selection

Summer 2025 Online Campus Courses

Registration for the Summer 2025 Online Campus courses starts Friday, February 14, 2025, and ends Friday, June 6, 2025. Courses are open to middle and high school students who meet prerequisites.

 Courses may be cancelled if they are under-enrolled. If a course is cancelled, students will be notified using the registration contact information and a full refund will be given.

Rising 7th-grade students

Rising 8th-grade students

A Curriculum and Electives Tour can be found in the All-School course in Schoology. 

Rising 9th-grade students (South County HS)

Student Academic Advising 

Rising 7th Grade

If you have any questions, please email the Elementary Liaison Counselor Margaret Ascierto at [email protected]

Academic Advising 2024-25 by Jennice Johnson

Rising 8th Grade

Contact your student's counselor if you have questions regarding course selection.

Ms. Maxwell: [email protected]; 703-690-5607

Ms. Johnson: [email protected]; 703-690-5608

Ms. Ascierto: [email protected]; 703-690-5605

Ms. Wilborn: [email protected]; 703-690-5604

Rising 9th Grade

  • Course Selection Sheet for rising 9th graders

High School Counselor Information:



Email Address

Phone Number

Megan CooperA - BL@email703-446-1703
Laura HanleyBo - Dh@email703-446-1706
Trevor EcholsDi - Haq@email703-446-1705
Mehreen NaghmiHar - K@email703-446-1704
Becky FreemanL - Mon@email703-446-1805
Brittany MaslowskyMoo - Raj@email703-446-1804
George BigusRak - Ta@email703-446-1813
Michelle GundermanTe -  Z@email703-446-1803

General Academic Advising Information