Academic Advising / Course Selection

Rising 7th-grade students

Rising 8th-grade students

A Curriculum and Electives Tour can be found in the All-School course in Schoology. 

Rising 9th-grade students (South County HS)

Student Academic Advising 

Rising 7th Grade

If you have any questions, please email the Elementary Liaison Counselor Margaret Ascierto at [email protected]

Academic Advising 2024-25 by Jennice Johnson

Rising 8th Grade

Contact your student's counselor if you have questions regarding course selection.

Ms. Maxwell: [email protected]; 703-690-5607

Ms. Johnson: [email protected]; 703-690-5608

Ms. Ascierto: [email protected]; 703-690-5605

Ms. Wilborn: [email protected]; 703-690-5604

Rising 9th Grade

  • Course Selection Sheet for rising 9th graders

High School Counselor Information:



Email Address

Phone Number

Megan CooperA - BL@email703-446-1703
Laura HanleyBo - Dh@email703-446-1706
Trevor EcholsDi - Haq@email703-446-1705
Mehreen NaghmiHar - K@email703-446-1704
Becky FreemanL - Mon@email703-446-1805
Brittany MaslowskyMoo - Raj@email703-446-1804
George BigusRak - Ta@email703-446-1813
Michelle GundermanTe -  Z@email703-446-1803

General Academic Advising Information