Mustang Weekly, March 21, 2025

GovDelivery2 days 14 hours ago

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Hello Mustangs,

As March winds down, I want to remind everyone that 3rd quarter ends on March 28, 2025. Please check ParentVue to ensure students have turned in their work and done their best during this time. This week, our 8th-grade students took the Integrated Reading/Writing (IRW) test. In contrast, our 7th graders took a practice Standards of Learning (SOL) assessment. As a reminder, tomorrow (Saturday, March 22, 2025) is our first-ever SOCO Stampede, which is a 5 K and 1-mile fun run, and we look forward to seeing everyone who has registered to run. As always, thank you for all you do, and please contact us to share any feedback, questions, or concerns. Enjoy your weekend, and we look forward to seeing everyone on Monday.

 Justin Simmons | Principal | South County Middle School


March 28 - End of 3rd Quarter

March 31 - No School

April 1 - No School, Teacher Work Day

Weekly Math SOL Reviews

Students have recently started completing weekly SOL Review assignments for their math classes. Here is some key information:

  • Students are permitted to use their notes, slides and information posted in Schoology, Mathspace textbook and practice questions, and other resources used in class. Students may also ask for teacher support in seminar or after school office hours. They may not collaborate with other students.
  • Each review will count as a formative assignment. These assignments are in Mathspace and students should use retries before submitting their task.

Due dates and more detailed information is posted in your student’s Schoology course. Thanks for your support at home!


Our family STEAM Night will take place on Tuesday, April 29 from 6 - 7:30 PM where you and your family can participate in stations that focus on Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math. If you are interested in attending, please complete the form below, so that we can provide the appropriate number of materials for our participants. Click HERE to RSVP for STEAM Night.

 Updated Costs for Chromebook and Chargers

If your students breaks or loses a chromebook or charger the prices have increased from the beginning of the school year.  Here are the NEW Prices effectively immediately:

Chromebook: $481

Charger: $25

Volleyball Game

Save the date for our annual Staff VS. Student Volleyball game.  Join us on April 25th!   Doors open at 6PM, game starts at 6:30PM.  Concessions will be available for purchase.  Tickets Purchased in advance will include a free drink.  Tickets can be purchased here!

Board Members for 2025/26 School Year

We are currently looking for volunteers to fill three board positions for next year.  If this is something you are interested in, please contact us at [email protected]

Box Tops For Education

Remember to think of South County Middle School when you do your shopping. Remember all you have to do is scan your receipt in the app and select SCMS as your school of choice. Every little bit helps!

Pizza Tuesday

Help Support us on Tuesdays by ordering pizza from Papa Johns and you will get a discount too!

Order online from the Fairfax Station Papa Johns on Silverbrook and use promo code SCMS4010

Our Schools, Our Future – Spring Series 2025: Community and Employee Conversations

FCPS Superintendent Dr. Michelle Reid is hosting a series of Community and Employee Conversations across the school division this spring. These events are a valuable opportunity for you and your communities to share your thoughts, ask questions, and engage directly with Dr. Reid. Your input matters, and we encourage you to participate.

Employee Conversations

These employee conversations are to be regularly shared with your school staff until the last one is complete on May 7, 2025.

Community Conversations – Open to all families from all regions
  • Thursday, March 20 | 6:30–7:30 p.m. | Cunningham Park Elementary School  Registration is open, but not required.
  • Monday, March 24 | 6:30–7:30 p.m. | Kings Park Elementary School - Registration coming soon.
  • Tuesday, April 1 | 6:30–7:30 p.m. | Lorton Station Elementary School - Registration coming soon.
  • Monday, April 7 | 6:30–7:30 p.m. | Greenbriar West Elementary School - Registration coming soon.
  • Monday, April 21 | 6:30–7:30 p.m. | Mount Eagle Elementary School - Registration coming soon.
  • Wednesday, April 23 | 6:30–7:30 p.m. | Mason Crest Elementary School - Registration coming soon.

Interpreter services will be provided for all events.

These community conversations are to be regularly promoted in your weekly newsletters, social media, and other communication channels to your families until the last one is complete on April 23, 2025.  Dr. Reid values your communities' input, and we look forward to seeing you at the community conversations.

Next Steps in the Budget Process

The next steps in the FCPS FY 2026 Budget process include the School Board presenting the budget to the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday, April 22. The Board of Supervisors will then conduct public hearings Tuesday, April 22, through Thursday, April 24. Community members can submit testimony or sign up to speak

Visit the county government website to view the Fairfax County FY 2026 Advertised Budget. The community is also invited to complete an online survey to provide feedback on the county’s FY 2026 Advertised Budget. 

Learn more about the FCPS FY 2026 Budget process


In case you missed it in FCPS This Week, the school division shared updates on the following topics and others:

  • Student Achievements
  • Art in our Schools Month
  • Celebrating Students Setting Positive Examples

Read FCPS This Week to learn more about these topics. If you are not already receiving this weekly newsletter, please sign up today.  

En caso de que se lo haya perdido en FCPS This Week, la división escolar compartió actualizaciones sobre los siguientes temas y otros: 

  • Logros de los estudiantes
  • Mes del arte en nuestras escuelas
  • Celebrando a los estudiantes que son ejemplos positivos

Lea FCPS Esta Semana para aprender más sobre estos temas. Si aún no recibe este boletín semanal, suscríbase hoy mismo

8700 Laurel Crest Drive, Lorton, VA 22079  | Main Office: 703-690-5500
Attendance: 703-690-5555 | Web

LAST CALL - South County 5K & 1M Family Fun Run

GovDelivery6 days 17 hours ago

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SOCO STAMPEDE 5K & 1M      Family Fun Run  SAVE THE DATE!

Date: March 22nd

Time: 9:00 AM – Noon

Location: South County MS Campus

🎉 Join us for a fun-filled day of fitness and community spirit!

  • 5K Run
  • 1M Family Fun Run

💸 Early Bird Registration Begins Today! REGISTER HERE Don’t miss out on the chance to secure your spot at a discounted rate!

👟 Bring your family and friends to enjoy a day of fitness, family, and fun! There will be food, raffles, and a DJ.

For more information contact Chris Woodby at [email protected]

Can’t Make the SOCO Stampede 5K & 1M Family Fun Run on March 22nd. Here’s another way you can support


Family Race Sign Sponsorship Opportunity

Make your family’s mark on the FIRST EVER SOCO STAMPEDE! Personalized signs with your cheers will line the racecourse, inspiring runners & creating memories. Support SCMS After-School Program & Athletics with your purchase of a sign. Each sign is only $100, and please contact Mr. Chris Woodby at [email protected] to order yours today! SIGN SPONSORSHIP


8700 Laurel Crest Drive, Lorton, VA 22079  | Main Office: 703-690-5500
Attendance: 703-690-5555 | Web

Mustang Weekly, March 14, 2025

GovDelivery1 week 2 days ago

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English | Español | አማርኛ | 中文 | 한국어 | Tiếng Việt | العربية | فارسی | اردو

Hello Mustangs,

We are quickly approaching our first-ever SOCO Stampede, which is a 5 K and 1-mile fun run on Saturday, March 22, 2025. We look forward to seeing as many people participate as possible. If you need more information about it, the website is as follows:5K Run Information. As always, thank you for all you do, and please contact us to share any feedback, questions, or concerns. Enjoy your weekend, and we look forward to seeing everyone on Monday.

Justin Simmons | Principal | South County Middle School


March 21 - Spring Play

March 22 - SOCO Stampede 5K

March 31 - No School

Spring Track and Field

Please take a few moments to register your child for our Track & Field Program. Every student must be registered and have a valid 24 – 25 physical to participate. If you have any questions, please contact Chris Woodby at [email protected]

Spring 2025 MS Track and Field Registration Google

Sports PPE (physical)

Weekly Math SOL Reviews

Students have recently started completing weekly SOL Review assignments for their math classes. Here is some key information:

  • Students are permitted to use their notes, slides and information posted in Schoology, Mathspace textbook and practice questions, and other resources used in class. Students may also ask for teacher support in seminar or after school office hours. They may not collaborate with other students.
  • Each review will count as a formative assignment. These assignments are in Mathspace and students should use retries before submitting their task.

Due dates and more detailed information is posted in your student’s Schoology course. Thanks for your support at home!

Updated Costs for Chromebook and Chargers

If your students breaks or loses a chromebook or charger the prices have increased from the beginning of the school year.  Here are the NEW Prices effectively immediately:

Chromebook: $481

Charger: $25

Staff vs Student Volleyball Game

Save the date for our annual Staff VS. Student Volleyball game.  Join us on April 25th!   Doors open at 6PM, game starts at 6:30PM.  Concessions will be available for purchase.  Tickets purchased in advance will include a free drink.  Tickets can be purchased here!

Board Members for 2025/26 School Year

We are currently looking for volunteers to fill three board positions for next year.  If this is something you are interested in, please contact us at [email protected]

Box Tops For Education

Remember to think of South County Middle School when you do your shopping. Remember all you have to do is scan your receipt in the app and select SCMS as your school of choice. Every little bit helps!

Pizza Tuesday

Help Support us on Tuesdays by ordering pizza from Papa Johns and you will get a discount too!

Order online from the Fairfax Station Papa Johns on Silverbrook and use promo code SCMS4010

FCPS Budget — Our Students Deserve the Best

More than $240 million of FCPS’ Fiscal Year (FY) 2026 Advertised Budget is dedicated to increasing compensation for our teachers and staff to stay competitive and reduce turnover. Currently, FCPS ranks fifth out of eight neighboring districts in regards to starting salary for teachers with a master’s degree. 

Our families expect — and our students deserve — the best teachers.

Next Steps in the Budget Process

The next steps in the FCPS FY 2026 Budget process include the School Board presenting the budget to the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday, April 22, and then the Board of Supervisors will conduct public hearings Tuesday, April 22, through Thursday, April 24. Community members can submit testimony or sign up to speak

Visit the county government website to view the Fairfax County FY 2026 Advertised Budget. The community is also invited to complete an online survey to provide feedback on the county’s FY 2026 Advertised Budget. 

Learn more about the FCPS FY 2026 Budget process.

Presupuesto de FCPS - Nuestros Estudiantes Merecen sólo lo Mejor

En el presupuesto anunciado de FCPS (siglas en inglés de Escuelas Públicas del Condado de Fairfax) para el año fiscal 2026, más de $240 millones serán dedicados a mejorar la compensación que reciben nuestros maestros y personal educativo, para mantenernos competitivos y reducir la rotación laboral. Actualmente, FCPS se ubica en el quinto lugar entre los ocho distritos vecinos al comparar el salario inicial de los maestros que poseen una maestría.

Nuestras familias esperan, y nuestros estudiantes merecen, tener los mejores maestros.

Lo que viene a continuación en el proceso presupuestario

 Los pasos siguientes en el proceso presupuestario para el año fiscal 2026 incluyen su presentación por la Junta Escolar a la Junta de Supervisores del Condado de Fairfax el martes 22 de abril, entonces la Junta de Supervisores  realizará audiciones públicas desde el martes 22 de abril, hasta el jueves 24 del mismo mes. El público general podrá enviar sus comentarios o inscribirse para solicitar derecho de palabra (en inglés, puede traducir la página arriba a la derecha).

Visite la página del Presupuesto Anunciado del Condado de Fairfax para el año fiscal 2026 (en inglés, puede traducir la página arriba a la derecha). El público también está invitado a completar esta encuesta online para compartir su opinión acerca del Presupuesto Anunciado por el condado para el año fiscal 2026.

Sepa más sobre el proceso presupuestario de FCPS para el año fiscal 2026 (en inglés, puede traducir la página arriba a la derecha).

We’ve got an engaging summer planned for your students!

The Career and Technical Education (CTE) office will offer two enrichment camps this summer - Tech Adventure Camp and CTE Summer Academy. For details on the activities we have planned, please read below.

All information can be found on our webpages! For Tech Adventure Camp go to For CTE Summer Academy go to




Create | Explore | Learn

Tech Adventure Camp

Current kindergarten through 5th grade students will explore the exciting program areas in Career and Technical Education (CTE) including Business/Marketing, Family + Consumer Sciences, Health + Medical Sciences, STEAM, and Trades.

 Weekly Themes

July 7 - 11: Let’s Get Messy!

July 14 - 18: Crazy, Cool Careers

July 21 - 25: Exploring the Enchanted

For more information or to register, please visit the Tech Adventure Camp website:

CTE Summer Academy

Current 6th through 11th grade students will choose 4 classes each week and dive deeper into CTE program areas, develop skills, and explore careers.

We have course options for all CTE program areas. Classes and schedule can be found on our website! Classes offered through CTE Summer Academy are introductory and do not require previous knowledge of the content. 

 For more information or to register, please visit the CTE Summer Academy website:

Program Details

Cost - $275 per week

Dates - July 7 - 11; July 14 - 18; and July 21 - 25

Time - 8:30 am to 2 pm *Early drop off is available!

Location - Lake Braddock SS

Transportation from select FCPS schools is provided!


Tech Adventure Camp | CTE Summer Academy

Please help us spread the word for these amazing enrichment opportunities by sharing this information with family, friends and neighbors. If you have any questions, please contact Beth Mehr at [email protected].

We can’t wait to explore, create and learn with your students this summer!

🛑 Cameras Installed on School Bus Stop Arms

Cameras have been installed on the stop arms of 50 FCPS school buses. These cameras will be used to identify drivers who pass stopped school buses while children are entering and exiting the bus (called a “stop arm violation”). 

Warnings for drivers will begin on Wednesday, April 9. After a 30-day warning period, citations will begin to be issued on Monday, May 12.

According to Virginia law, drivers must stop for stopped school buses with flashing red lights on and their stop signs extended. Motorists should stop when approaching from any direction (unless there is a barrier or median separating their lane from where the bus is stopped). They should remain stopped until everyone is clear and the bus is moving. 

We appreciate our law enforcement partners for working with us to improve road safety and reduce accidents. Read more information about the stop arm cameras and all of the ways that we work with our county partners to keep students safe on their way to and from school.

🛑 Se Instalaron Cámaras en las Barras de Stop de 50 Autobuses

Se han instalado cámaras en las barras de stop de 50 autobuses de FCPS. Estas cámaras se usarán para identificar a los conductores que no se detengan cuando los niños estén entrando o bajándose los autobuses (lo que se conoce como “stop arm violation” o infracción a la barra de stop).

Las advertencias a estos conductores comenzarán a darse el miércoles 9 de abril. Luego del período de advertencia de 30 días, las citaciones comenzarán a emitirse el lunes 12 de mayo.

De acuerdo a las leyes de Virginia (en inglés), los conductores deben detenerse cuando un autobús escolar esté detenido, tenga encendidas sus luces de advertencia rojas y tenga extendida su barra con la señal de “stop”. Los conductores deben parar cuando se aproximen desde cualquier dirección (a menos que exista una barrera o isla que les separe del canal donde está detenido el autobús). Los conductores deben permanecer detenidos hasta que todos estén a salvo, y el bus ya esté en movimiento.

Agradecemos el trabajo de las entidades de ejecución de ley ayudándonos a mejorar la seguridad en las calles y a reducir el número de accidentes. Lea más información acerca de las cámaras en las barras de stop y sobre todas las formas en que trabajamos junto a otras entidades locales para mantener seguros a los estudiantes cuando van camino hacia y desde la escuela (en inglés, puede traducir la página arriba a la derecha).



In case you missed it in FCPS This Week, the school division shared updates on the following topics and others:

    • Second Annual Food Show
    • Cameras on School Bus Stop Arms
    • Comprehensive Boundary Review Process Explained

Read FCPS This Week to learn more about these topics. If you are not already receiving this weekly newsletter, please sign up today.  


En caso de que se lo haya perdido en FCPS This Week, la división escolar compartió actualizaciones sobre los siguientes temas y otros:

  • Segundo Show Anual de Alimentación
  • Cámaras en las Barras de Stop de los Autobuses
  • Explicación del Proceso Integral de Revisión de Límites

Lea FCPS Esta Semana para aprender más sobre estos temas. Si aún no recibe este boletín semanal, suscríbase hoy mismo

8700 Laurel Crest Drive, Lorton, VA 22079  | Main Office: 703-690-5500
Attendance: 703-690-5555 | Web

South County 5K & 1M Family Fun Run

GovDelivery1 week 4 days ago

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SOCO STAMPEDE 5K & 1M      Family Fun Run

Date: March 22nd

Time: 9:00 AM – Noon

Location: South County MS Campus

🎉 Join us for a fun-filled day of fitness and community spirit!

  • 5K Run
  • 1M Family Fun Run

💸 REGISTER HERE Don’t miss out on the chance to secure your spot 

👟 Bring your family and friends to enjoy a day of fitness, family, and fun! There will be food, raffles, and a DJ.

For more information contact Chris Woodby at [email protected]

 Can’t Make the SOCO Stampede 5K & 1M Family Fun Run on March 22nd. Here’s another way you can support


Family Race Sign Sponsorship Opportunity

Make your family’s mark on the FIRST EVER SOCO STAMPEDE! Personalized signs with your cheers will line the racecourse, inspiring runners & creating memories. Support SCMS After-School Program & Athletics with your purchase of a sign. Each sign is only $100, and please contact Mr. Chris Woodby at [email protected] to order yours today! SIGN SPONSORSHIP


8700 Laurel Crest Drive, Lorton, VA 22079  | Main Office: 703-690-5500
Attendance: 703-690-5555 | Web

South County 5K & 1M Family Fun Run and Middle School Track Information

GovDelivery1 week 6 days ago

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This is a reminder. There will be a Track & Field Parent Meeting on Tuesday March 11th at 6:00pm. We will meet in our Lecture Hall. Parents may access door 1 to get into the building. If you haven’t already done so, please take a few moments to register your child for our Track & Field Program. Every student must be registered and have a valid 24 – 25 physical to participate. If you have any questions, please contact Chris Woodby at [email protected]


Spring 2025 MS Track and Field Registration Google


Sports PPE (physical)

SOCO STAMPEDE 5K & 1M      Family Fun Run  SAVE THE DATE!

Date: March 22nd

Time: 9:00 AM – Noon

Location: South County MS Campus

🎉 Join us for a fun-filled day of fitness and community spirit!

  • 5K Run
  • 1M Family Fun Run

💸 Early Bird Registration Begins Today! REGISTER HERE Don’t miss out on the chance to secure your spot at a discounted rate!

You must register by today (March 10th 2025) to be guaranteed a t-shirt.

👟 Bring your family and friends to enjoy a day of fitness, family, and fun! There will be food, raffles, and a DJ.

For more information contact Chris Woodby at [email protected]

Can’t Make the SOCO Stampede 5K & 1M Family Fun Run on March 22nd. Here’s another way you can support


Family Race Sign Sponsorship Opportunity

Make your family’s mark on the FIRST EVER SOCO STAMPEDE! Personalized signs with your cheers will line the racecourse, inspiring runners & creating memories. Support SCMS After-School Program & Athletics with your purchase of a sign. Each sign is only $100, and please contact Mr. Chris Woodby at [email protected] to order yours today! SIGN SPONSORSHIP


8700 Laurel Crest Drive, Lorton, VA 22079  | Main Office: 703-690-5500
Attendance: 703-690-5555 | Web

Mustang Weekly, March 7, 2025

GovDelivery2 weeks 2 days ago

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Hello Mustangs,

It has been another phenomenal week at South County Middle School. We have our Student vs. Staff Basketball Game tonight, and we hope to see you there. Additionally, principal evaluation feedback will be collected online from March 24 to April 4. Staff and parents/guardians will receive unique, single-use email links from @fcpssurvey to provide input on performance standards. Your participation is highly valued. Lastly, we have observed increased disruptive behavior in the boys’ restrooms, notably with wet paper towels and general untidiness. We need your partnership to encourage students to respect our shared space, mirroring our dedicated custodial staff. As always, thank you for all you do, and please contact us to share any feedback, questions, or concerns. Enjoy your weekend, and we look forward to seeing everyone on Monday. 

Justin Simmons | Principal | South County Middle School


March 7 - Staff vs Student Basketball Game - Tickets

March 21 - Spring Play

March 22 - SOCO Stampede 5

March 31 - Holiday, No School

Ramadan Prayer & Reflection Accommodations

As in previous years, students will need parent/guardian permission to use the prayer room during instructional time. During Ramadan (Feb. 28–March 29), the designated prayer space (B106 – Orchestra Room) will be available at the following times:

  • March 10–28: 1:20–1:40 PM

Additionally, families may request that their child spend lunch in the library as an alternative to the cafeteria. Parent/guardian permission is required, and teachers will be informed of participating students.

To sign up, please complete the form linked below. For any questions, contact Jenny Payne, Director of Student Services, at [email protected].

Meditation and Silent Reflection Sign-up

We encourage you to Save the Date for an evening event called "Innovative Minds, Bright Future: Exploring STEAM Together". This family event will take place on Tuesday, April 29 from 6 - 7:30 PM. More information and registration details will be shared in the upcoming weeks. 

Board Members for 2025/26 School Year

We are currently looking for volunteers to fill three board positions for next year.  If this is something you are interested in, please contact us at [email protected]

Box Tops For Education

Remember to think of South County Middle School when you do your shopping. Remember all you have to do is scan your receipt in the app and select SCMS as your school of choice. Every little bit helps!

Pizza Tuesday

Help Support us on Tuesdays by ordering pizza from Papa Johns and you will get a discount too!

Order online from the Fairfax Station Papa Johns on Silverbrook and use promo code SCMS4010

Developing a Strong Academic Foundation, Curiosity, and Joy for Learning

The FCPS Fiscal Year (FY) 2026 Advertised Budget invests in academic growth and excellence for each and every student, which is one of the priorities of the FCPS Strategic Plan

A strong start for every student is Goal 1 of the Strategic Plan. Pre-K classrooms are making a difference in our community. In this video, we explore the importance of bringing children under the age of five together, regardless of abilities.

Learn more about the FCPS FY 2026 Advertised Budget. View the Budget Development Calendar to stay up to date and learn about opportunities to provide feedback to Fairfax County and FCPS.

Share Your Input on the County Budget

The Fairfax County government presented its Fiscal Year 2026 Advertised Budget Plan to the Board of Supervisors on February 18. The community is invited to share feedback through an online survey, email, phone calls, or by attending Budget Town Hall meetings


In case you missed it in FCPS This Week, the school division shared updates on the following topics and others:

  • A Strong Academic Foundation
  • 70th Annual Regional Science Fair
  • New Breakfast Options

Read FCPS This Week to learn more about these topics. If you are not already receiving this weekly newsletter, please sign up today.  

8700 Laurel Crest Drive, Lorton, VA 22079  | Main Office: 703-690-5500
Attendance: 703-690-5555 | Web

Staff vs Student Basketball Game, Friday, March 7

GovDelivery2 weeks 4 days ago

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Staff VS. Student Basketball

It is almost time for our annual Staff VS. Student Basketball game.  Join us on March 7th!  More details coming soon about tryouts.  Doors open at 6PM, game starts at 6:30PM.  Concessions will be available for purchase.  Tickets Purchased in advance will include a free drink.  Tickets can be purchased here

8700 Laurel Crest Drive, Lorton, VA 22079  | Main Office: 703-690-5500
Attendance: 703-690-5555 | Web

South County 5K & 1M Family Fun Run and Track & Field Parent Meeting

GovDelivery2 weeks 6 days ago

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Track & Field Parent Meeting

There will be a Track & Field Parent Meeting on Tuesday March 11th at 6:00pm. We will meet in our Lecture Hall. Parents may access door 1 to get into the building. If you have any questions, please contact Chris Woodby at [email protected]

SOCO STAMPEDE 5K & 1M      Family Fun Run  SAVE THE DATE!

Date: March 22nd

Time: 9:00 AM – Noon

Location: South County MS Campus

🎉 Join us for a fun-filled day of fitness and community spirit!

  • 5K Run
  • 1M Family Fun Run

💸 Early Bird Registration Begins Today! REGISTER HERE Don’t miss out on the chance to secure your spot at a discounted rate!

👟 Bring your family and friends to enjoy a day of fitness, family, and fun! There will be food, raffles, and a DJ.

For more information contact Chris Woodby at [email protected]

Can’t Make the SOCO Stampede 5K & 1M Family Fun Run on March 22nd. Here’s another way you can support

  Family Race Sign Sponsorship Opportunity

Make your family’s mark on the FIRST EVER SOCO STAMPEDE! Personalized signs with your cheers will line the racecourse, inspiring runners & creating memories. Support SCMS After-School Program & Athletics with your purchase of a sign. Each sign is only $100, and please contact Mr. Chris Woodby at [email protected] to order yours today! SIGN SPONSORSHIP


8700 Laurel Crest Drive, Lorton, VA 22079  | Main Office: 703-690-5500
Attendance: 703-690-5555 | Web

Mustang Weekly, February 28, 2025

GovDelivery3 weeks 2 days ago

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English | Español | አማርኛ | 中文 | 한국어 | Tiếng Việt | العربية | فارسی | اردو

Hello Mustangs,

As we wrap up February and look forward to March, I am incredibly grateful for a phenomenal seven months of learning! We have seen incredible growth and progress, and to keep that momentum going, I want to gently remind everyone about our cell phone policy. Student cell phones should be powered off and stored away from 7:30 a.m. to 2:15 p.m. to ensure a focused learning environment. If a student needs to make a call, a phone is always available in the main office. Additionally, please note that March offers limited school breaks. Regular attendance is crucial for student success, and we appreciate your partnership in ensuring your child is present and engaged every day. Lastly, Ramadan starts this evening and lasts until March 29. If your student is participating and needs a prayer space, please complete this form . As always, thank you for all you do, and please contact us to share any feedback, questions, or concerns. Enjoy your weekend, and we look forward to seeing everyone on Monday.

Justin Simmons | Principal | South County Middle School


February 28 - March 29 - Ramadan

March 7 - Staff vs Student Basketball Game

March 21 - Spring Play

March 22 - SOCO Stampede 5K

Ramadan Prayer & Reflection Accommodations

As in previous years, students will need parent/guardian permission to use the prayer room during instructional time. During Ramadan (Feb. 28–March 29), the designated prayer space (B106 – Orchestra Room) will be available at the following times:

  • March 3–7: 12:25–1:45 PM
  • March 10–28: 1:20–1:40 PM

Additionally, families may request that their child spend lunch in the library as an alternative to the cafeteria. Parent/guardian permission is required, and teachers will be informed of participating students.

To sign up, please complete the form linked below. For any questions, contact Jenny Payne, Director of Student Services, at [email protected].

Meditation and Silent Reflection Sign-up

Student Fasting Meal Kits for February 28 - March 28

Thanks to a new program from the Virginia Department of Education, students who are fasting during the school day between February 28 and March 28 can now take school meal kits home at the end of the day.Families will need to fill out a weekly Fasting Meals Request Form for their child or children to receive school meal kits. A separate form must be filled out for each week and each student.To receive meal kits for Friday, February 28, and the week of March 3, please submit the first request form by Monday, February 24. Visit the FNS webpage for more information, including weekly request forms and deadlines.

Staff vs Student Basketball Game

It is almost time for our annual Staff VS. Student Basketball game.  Join us on March 7th!  More details coming soon about tryouts.  Doors open at 6PM, game starts at 6:30PM.  Concessions will be available for purchase.  Tickets purchased in advance will include a free drink.  Tickets can be purchased here

Board Members for 2025/26 School Year

We are currently looking for volunteers to fill three board positions for next year.  If this is something you are interested in, please contact us at [email protected]

Box Tops For Education

Remember to think of South County Middle School when you do your shopping. Remember all you have to do is scan your receipt in the app and select SCMS as your school of choice. Every little bit helps!

Pizza Tuesday

Help Support us on Tuesdays by ordering pizza from Papa Johns and you will get a discount too!

Order online from the Fairfax Station Papa Johns on Silverbrook and use promo code SCMS4010

Eating Disorder - Parent Information

According to the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA 2023), Eating disorders are serious but treatable mental and physical illnesses that can affect people of all genders, ages, races, religions, ethnicities, sexual orientations, body shapes, and weights. In the United States, 28.8 million Americans will suffer from an eating disorder at some point in their lives. There is no single cause of an eating disorder. Rather, it is a complex combination of biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors that converge and set off an individual’s predisposed genetic vulnerability.

In collaboration with the Fairfax County Health Department, FCPS has developed a web page with detailed information and resources to be provided to parents and guardians of Fairfax County Public Schools. This information may be found at Eating Disorders


🚀 Prepare for a Summer of Learning and Fun

Registration is open or will be available soon for summer camps and learning opportunities offered by Fairfax County Public Schools for all students.

Career and Technical Education and Institute for the Arts Summer Camps

Career and Technical Education camps and Institute for the Arts camps will be held in July at Lake Braddock Secondary School from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Bus transportation will be available from select FCPS middle and high schools. Registration begins for these programs on Monday, March 10, and ends Friday, June 6.

CTE Summer Academy (CSA) is a week-long enrichment program that allows students in grades 6-11 to dive deeper into CTE program areas, develop skills, and begin career exploration. Watch this video about CTE camps

IFTA is a two- or three-week summer enrichment program for students currently in grades 6-11. Students select from nearly 90 classes in art, dance, Health and Physical Education 9 (graduation requirement), music, and theater. 

Earn Credit Toward Graduation This Summer

Take advantage of the opportunity to earn a high school course credit via this summer’s online campus program. Registration is now open. Students must register by Friday, June 6. Mathematics, health and physical education, career and technical education, English, science, social studies, and world language courses are available to eligible middle and high school students.

  • Summer is a great time for high school students to fulfill the Economics and Personal Finance course requirement. This is a self-directed course where students work independently. The course is available between Monday, June 23, and Friday, July 25. Registration is now open. Students must register by Friday, May 23. For more information, visit this Summer Learning page.


District News/In Case You Missed It (ICYMI)

FCPS NewsIn case you missed it in FCPS This Week, the school division shared updates on the following topics and others:

  • Summer Camps and Learning Opportunities
  • Supporting Academic Growth 
  • Preparing for Tough Conversations With Your Child

Read FCPS This Week to learn more about these topics. If you are not already receiving this weekly newsletter, please sign up today.  

8700 Laurel Crest Drive, Lorton, VA 22079  | Main Office: 703-690-5500
Attendance: 703-690-5555 | Web

South County 5K & 1M Family Fun Run

GovDelivery3 weeks 6 days ago

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SOCO STAMPEDE 5K & 1M      Family Fun Run  SAVE THE DATE!

Date: March 22nd

Time: 9:00 AM – Noon

Location: South County MS Campus

🎉 Join us for a fun-filled day of fitness and community spirit!

  • 5K Run
  • 1M Family Fun Run

💸 Early Bird Registration Begins Today! REGISTER HERE Don’t miss out on the chance to secure your spot at a discounted rate!

👟 Bring your family and friends to enjoy a day of fitness, family, and fun! There will be food, raffles, and a DJ.

For more information contact Chris Woodby at [email protected]

 Can’t Make the SOCO Stampede 5K & 1M Family Fun Run on March 22nd. Here’s another way you can support


Family Race Sign Sponsorship Opportunity

Make your family’s mark on the FIRST EVER SOCO STAMPEDE! Personalized signs with your cheers will line the racecourse, inspiring runners & creating memories. Support SCMS After-School Program & Athletics with your purchase of a sign. Each sign is only $100, and please contact Mr. Chris Woodby at [email protected] to order yours today! SIGN SPONSORSHIP


8700 Laurel Crest Drive, Lorton, VA 22079  | Main Office: 703-690-5500
Attendance: 703-690-5555 | Web

Mustang Weekly, February 21, 2025

GovDelivery1 month ago

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Hello Mustangs,

It has been another great week at South County Middle School. This week, we want to remind our community about our Kiss & Ride protocols. Please follow our staff’s directions and pull forward in the Drop Off Zone. For quick drop-offs, have students ready to exit promptly. Remember, we maintain one continuous line, so please be patient as students unload. After, turn right onto Laurel Crest Drive and proceed to the traffic circle. Please do not make a U-turn, as this creates an unsafe situation for our students and drivers. Thank you for helping us ensure everyone’s safety. Our School Resource Officer, Officer Woodward, will be present to assist each morning as well. As always, thank you for all you do, and please contact us to share any feedback, questions, or concerns. Enjoy your weekend, and we look forward to seeing everyone on Monday.

 Justin Simmons | Principal | South County Middle School


February 26 - PTSO General Membership Meeting

March 7 - Staff vs Student Basketball Game

March 22 - SOCO Stampede 5K

Ramadan Prayer & Reflection Accommodations

As in previous years, students will need parent/guardian permission to use the prayer room during instructional time. During Ramadan (Feb. 28–March 29), the designated prayer space (B106 – Orchestra Room) will be available at the following times:

  • March 3–7: 12:25–1:45 PM
  • March 10–28: 1:20–1:40 PM

Additionally, families may request that their child spend lunch in the library as an alternative to the cafeteria. Parent/guardian permission is required, and teachers will be informed of participating students.

To sign up, please complete the form linked below. For any questions, contact Jenny Payne, Director of Student Services, at [email protected].

Meditation and Silent Reflection Sign-up

Student Fasting Meal Kits for February 28 - March 28

Thanks to a new program from the Virginia Department of Education, students who are fasting during the school day between February 28 and March 28 can now take school meal kits home at the end of the day.Families will need to fill out a weekly Fasting Meals Request Form for their child or children to receive school meal kits. A separate form must be filled out for each week and each student.To receive meal kits for Friday, February 28, and the week of March 3, please submit the first request form by Monday, February 24. Visit the FNS webpage for more information, including weekly request forms and deadlines.

Middle School Transition Fair Future Planning for Elementary and Middle School Students in Special Education

For families, caregivers, and educators of students receiving special education services.

 March 12, 2025 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

Luther Jackson Middle School 3020 Gallows Road Falls Church, Virginia 22042

Join Career and Transition Services (CTS) to learn about planning for life in and after high school!

It’s never too early or too late to start preparing for your future. We want to help you start planning for a successful transition from school to life as a young adult. Ensuring postsecondary success of our students with disabilities is dependent on what is known as transition planning. Please join CTS and other support service personnel for an evening focused on planning for the future.

You will have the opportunity to meet and ask questions of representatives from CTS programs and services for students with disabilities, as well as learn about short and long-term postsecondary supports, employment, postsecondary education considerations, Supported Decision Making, and student self-determination as an evidence-based predictor of post school success.

This event also includes two speakers who will discuss IEP transition planning, special education services, and postsecondary options for younger students as they navigate FCPS and plan for their future. A questions/answer session will follow.

Click here to register

Summer 2025 Online Campus Courses

Registration for the Summer 2025 Online Campus courses started Friday, February 14, 2025, and ends Friday, June 6, 2025. Courses are open to middle and high school students who meet prerequisites.

 Courses may be cancelled if they are under-enrolled. If a course is cancelled, students will be notified using the registration contact information and a full refund will be given.

If you have any questions, please reach out to your student’s school counselor.

Weekly Math SOL Reviews

Students have recently started completing weekly SOL Review assignments for their math classes. Here is some key information:

  • Students are permitted to use their notes, slides and information posted in Schoology, Mathspace textbook and practice questions, and other resources used in class. Students may also ask for teacher support in seminar or after school office hours. They may not collaborate with other students.
  • Each review will count as a formative assignment. These assignments are in Mathspace and students should use retries before submitting their task.

Due dates and more detailed information is posted in your student’s Schoology course. Thanks for your support at home!

General Membership Meeting

Our next General Membership meeting will be held on February 26th at 7pm in the front office or you can also join us on Zoom with this link - .  Membership Meeting

Staff vs Student Basketball Game

It is almost time for our annual Staff VS. Student Basketball game.  Join us on March 7th!  More details coming soon about tryouts.  Doors open at 6PM, game starts at 6:30PM.  Concessions will be available for purchase.  Tickets purchased in advance will include a free drink.  Tickets can be purchased here

Board Members for 2025/26 School Year

We are currently looking for volunteers to fill three board positions for next year.  If this is something you are interested in, please contact us at [email protected]

Box Tops For Education

Remember to think of South County Middle School when you do your shopping. Remember all you have to do is scan your receipt in the app and select SCMS as your school of choice. Every little bit helps!

Pizza Tuesday

Help Support us on Tuesdays by ordering pizza from Papa Johns and you will get a discount too!

Order online from the Fairfax Station Papa Johns on Silverbrook and use promo code SCMS4010

Breaking Down the Budget: Supporting Academic Growth and Algebra by Eighth Grade

The FCPS Fiscal Year (FY) 2026 Proposed Budget invests in academic growth and excellence for each and every student, which is one of the priorities of the FCPS Strategic Plan

Since the 2023-24 school year, FCPS has seen a 9.5% increase in eighth graders taking Algebra I or more advanced math and a 6.8% increase in fifth graders in advanced math.

Studies show that students who complete algebra in middle school have more opportunities to take advanced math and science courses in high school. This can open up new academic paths for students! Watch a video that shows why eighth grade algebra matters

Learn more about the FCPS FY 2026 Proposed Budget.

Become Unskippable: Practical Guidance for Talking With Teens About Fentanyl

Teens skip things that don't interest them, including lectures from their parents. But young people die from fentanyl overdoses in Fairfax County each year — so it's important to have short, impactful talks with your teen, whether or not you think they’re at risk.

As a parent or caregiver, you have the power to become “unskippable” and talk with your teen in a way they will listen. 

See our tips for talking with your teen about fentanyl and other difficult subjects. Watch this video to learn more about becoming unskippable

 Varsity Tutors Provides On-Demand Support at No Cost

FCPS is partnering with Varsity Tutors to provide students and families with extra learning resources. Every student can take advantage of Varsity Tutors’ services at no cost, including weekly live online classes; on-demand 24/7 chat tutoring; essay editing; and study resources such as recorded content, practice problems, and diagnostic tests. Learn more about online tutoring with Varsity Tutors

District News/In Case You Missed It (ICYMI)
  • In case you missed it in FCPS This Week, the school division shared updates on the following topics and others:
  • Middle School Start Times
  • New Lunch Items
  • Talking to Teens About Tough Topics

Read FCPS This Week to learn more about these topics. If you are not already receiving this weekly newsletter, please sign up today.  

8700 Laurel Crest Drive, Lorton, VA 22079  | Main Office: 703-690-5500
Attendance: 703-690-5555 | Web

Second Quarter Report Cards Now Available

GovDelivery1 month ago

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Second quarter report cards are now available through ParentVue and StudentVue. If you are having difficulty accessing your student's report card please contact our Student Services Assistant, Ms. Akofio-Hite, at [email protected].

Jenny Payne | Director of Student Service | South County Middle School

8700 Laurel Crest Drive, Lorton, VA 22079  | Main Office: 703-690-5500
Attendance: 703-690-5555 | Web

South County 5K & 1M Family Fun Run

GovDelivery1 month ago

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SOCO STAMPEDE 5K & 1M      Family Fun Run  SAVE THE DATE!

Date: March 22nd

Time: 9:00 AM – Noon

Location: South County MS Campus

🎉 Join us for a fun-filled day of fitness and community spirit!

  • 5K Run
  • 1M Family Fun Run

💸 Early Bird Registration Begins Today! REGISTER HERE Don’t miss out on the chance to secure your spot at a discounted rate!

👟 Bring your family and friends to enjoy a day of fitness, family, and fun! There will be food, raffles, and a DJ.

For more information contact Chris Woodby at [email protected]


Family Race Sign Sponsorship Opportunity

Make your family’s mark on the FIRST EVER SOCO STAMPEDE! Personalized signs with your cheers will line the racecourse, inspiring runners & creating memories. Support SCMS After-School Program & Athletics with your purchase of a sign. Each sign is only $100, and please contact Mr. Chris Woodby at [email protected] to order yours today! SIGN SPONSORSHIP


8700 Laurel Crest Drive, Lorton, VA 22079  | Main Office: 703-690-5500
Attendance: 703-690-5555 | Web

Mustang Weekly, February 14, 2025

GovDelivery1 month 1 week ago

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Hello Mustangs,

It has been a great week at South County Middle School. Counselors have finished meeting with our 8th grade (rising 9th grade) students for academic advising. If your student missed it, our counselors will meet with them next week. Additionally, our multilingual language learners (formerly known as English for Speakers of Other Languages - ESOL) will start the WIDA assessment next week. Lastly, it appears there is snow in next week’s forecast, so stay tuned to FCPS alerts in case of delays or closures. As always, thank you for all you do, and please contact us to share any feedback, questions, or concerns. Enjoy your weekend, and we look forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday. Happy Valentine’s Day!

 Justin Simmons | Principal | South County Middle School


February17 - No School, President’s Day

February 26 - PTSO General Membership Meeting

March 7 - Staff vs Student Basketball Game

March 22 - SOCO Stampede Run

Student Fasting Meal Kits for February 28 - March 28

Thanks to a new program from the Virginia Department of Education, students who are fasting during the school day between February 28 and March 28 can now take school meal kits home at the end of the day.Families will need to fill out a weekly Fasting Meals Request Form for their child or children to receive school meal kits. A separate form must be filled out for each week and each student.To receive meal kits for Friday, February 28, and the week of March 3, please submit the first request form by Monday, February 24. Visit the FNS webpage for more information, including weekly request forms and deadlines.

Weekly Math SOL Reviews

Students have recently started completing weekly SOL Review assignments for their math classes. Here is some key information:

  • Students are permitted to use their notes, slides and information posted in Schoology, Mathspace textbook and practice questions, and other resources used in class. Students may also ask for teacher support in seminar or after school office hours. They may not collaborate with other students.
  • Each review will count as a formative assignment. These assignments are in Mathspace and students should use retries before submitting their task.

Due dates and more detailed information is posted in your student’s Schoology course. Thanks for your support at home!

SEL Screener

FCPS is committed to supporting all students’ mental wellness and social and emotional learning. FCPS approved a Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Screener that students use to share their perspectives on how well their school and community help them develop skills they need to succeed. These skills include achieving goals, understanding and managing emotions, establishing and maintaining relationships with adults and peers, and making responsible decisions. Students also share how successful their school and community are at making them feel valued, included, and supported. These factors are critical to positive academic, social, and emotional success. All students in grades 3-12 have the opportunity to participate in the screener twice a year, in the fall and spring. The SEL Screener elevates the voices of our students by making sure their perspectives are considered in decision-making. Screener data is used to plan programming for the division, schools, and individual students. Division and school level results, which do not include individual student information, may be used by staff to improve SEL and mental wellness practices and to inform strategic plans. Division and school level results may also be shared with the community to describe the needs of our student body and provide opportunities for partnership. Individual students’ Screener data will only be accessible to teachers, administrators, and staff with legitimate educational interests. Results will be maintained in secure files and databases accessible only to these individuals. In partnership with families, staff review this data alongside other information to plan interventions for students with identified needs. Parents and guardians will receive an individualized report regarding their student’s screener results following each assessment window. South County MS will be giving the SEL screener to all students during seminar on Wednesday March 12th. If you do not want your child to take the SEL screener, please complete the attached parent opt-out form and return it to the school no later than Wednesday March 5th. If your child was opted out of the fall SEL screener, he/she will automatically be opted out of the spring SEL screener.

Opt out form

SEL Screener Opt Out Spanish

General Membership Meeting

Our next General Membership meeting will be held on February 26th at 7pm in the front office or you can also join us on Zoom with this link - Membership Meeting Link

Staff vs Student Basketball Game

It is almost time for our annual Staff VS. Student Basketball game.  Join us on March 7th!  More details coming soon about tryouts.  Doors open at 6PM, game starts at 6:30PM.  Concessions will be available for purchase.  Tickets purchased in advance will include a free drink.  Tickets can be purchased here

Basketball 2025

Board Members for 2025/26 School Year

We are currently looking for volunteers to fill three board positions for next year.  If this is something you are interested in, please contact us at [email protected]

Box Tops For Education

Remember to think of South County Middle School when you do your shopping. Remember all you have to do is scan your receipt in the app and select SCMS as your school of choice. Every little bit helps!

Pizza Tuesday

Help Support us on Tuesdays by ordering pizza from Papa Johns and you will get a discount too!

Order online from the Fairfax Station Papa Johns on Silverbrook and use promo code SCMS4010

🤧 Protect Yourself and Your Community From the Flu

Fairfax County is experiencing very high levels of influenza (flu) illness. The Fairfax County Health Department reports that visits to emergency departments and urgent care centers for flu-like illness have increased, especially among children, and multiple flu outbreaks have occurred in our community and school settings. Read a letter from the health department

The health department suggests taking the following steps to reduce the spread of flu and other germs:    

  • Cover coughs and sneezes. If you must be around others while ill, wearing a mask can help reduce spread.
  • Wash hands often with soap and water for 20 seconds. Use alcohol-based hand sanitizers when soap and water are not available (with supervision for younger children).
  • Clean frequently touched surfaces.

According to the health department, to help prevent or reduce the spread of illness it is important for individuals who are sick to stay home and away from others until symptoms improve and until they have been free of fever for at least 24 hours. Visit this Attendance webpage for guidance on when your child should go to school. 

Community Information 

District News/In Case You Missed It (ICYMI)
  • FCPS NewsIn case you missed it in FCPS This Week, the school division shared updates on the following topics and others:
  • Flu Prevention
  • Students Spread Joy
  • Investing in our Classrooms

Read FCPS This Week to learn more about these topics. If you are not already receiving this weekly newsletter, please sign up today.  

8700 Laurel Crest Drive, Lorton, VA 22079  | Main Office: 703-690-5500
Attendance: 703-690-5555 | Web

South County 5K & 1M Family Fun Run

GovDelivery1 month 1 week ago

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SOCO STAMPEDE 5K & 1M      Family Fun Run  SAVE THE DATE!

Date: March 22nd

Time: 9:00 AM – Noon

Location: South County MS Campus

🎉 Join us for a fun-filled day of fitness and community spirit!

  • 5K Run
  • 1M Family Fun Run

💸 Early Bird Registration Begins Today! REGISTER HERE Don’t miss out on the chance to secure your spot at a discounted rate!

👟 Bring your family and friends to enjoy a day of fitness, family, and fun! There will be food, raffles, and a DJ.

For more information contact Chris Woodby at [email protected]


Family Race Sign Sponsorship Opportunity

Make your family’s mark on the FIRST EVER SOCO STAMPEDE! Personalized signs with your cheers will line the racecourse, inspiring runners & creating memories. Support SCMS After-School Program & Athletics with your purchase of a sign. Each sign is only $100, and please contact Mr. Chris Woodby at [email protected] to order yours today! SIGN SPONSORSHIP


8700 Laurel Crest Drive, Lorton, VA 22079  | Main Office: 703-690-5500
Attendance: 703-690-5555 | Web

After School Program

GovDelivery1 month 1 week ago

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Dear Mustangs Families,

We are excited to share that the SCMS Middle School After School Program is partly funded by the Army through the Army Youth Program in your Neighborhood. To ensure we continue receiving this vital funding, it is essential for all families to complete the middle school after school registration form. If you are Active Army, Active National Guard, and civilian working for the Department of the Army.  Here is the After School Program Registration Form.

If you haven't had a chance to fill out the form yet, we kindly ask you to take a few minutes to do so. Your participation is crucial for the success of our After School Program, allowing us to provide enriching activities and support for our students.

Thank you for your cooperation and support! Together, we can make a positive impact on our students' after-school experiences.

Please let me know if you have any questions, [email protected] 

Chris Woodby

SCMS After School Specialist

8700 Laurel Crest Drive, Lorton, VA 22079  | Main Office: 703-690-5500
Attendance: 703-690-5555 | Web

Mustang Weekly, February 7, 2025

GovDelivery1 month 2 weeks ago

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Hello Mustangs,

The second semester is off to a great start! We had a phenomenal performance from our students who participated in Disney’s Beauty and the Beast Jr., acknowledged our school counselors (Ms. Ascierto, Ms. Johnson, Ms. Maxwell, and Ms. Wilborn) for National School Counseling Week, and highlighted the month of February as Black History Month. Additionally, our counselors are currently meeting with students for academic advising, so please discuss course selections with your student at your earliest convenience. As always, thank you for all you do, and please contact us to share any feedback, questions, or concerns. Enjoy your weekend, and we look forward to seeing everyone on Monday.

 Justin Simmons | Principal | South County Middle School


February 8 - Reading Opens the World Event, Lorton Community Center, 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM

February 10-14 - Rising 9th Grade Academic Advising

February 26 - PTSO General Membership Meeting

Weekly Math SOL Reviews

Students have recently started completing weekly SOL Review assignments for their math classes. Here is some key information for you to support your student at home:

  • Students are permitted to use their notes, slides and information posted in Schoology, Mathspace textbook and practice questions, and other resources used in class. Students may also ask for teacher support in seminar or after school office hours. They may not collaborate with other students.
  • Each review will count as a formative assignment. These assignments are in Mathspace and students should use retries before submitting their task.
  • Reviews open each Monday at 7:00 am and are due every Sunday at 11:59 pm.
  • Students who do not show understanding of content will be reviewing questions during class and/or during seminar time.
  • More detailed information was given to students during class and is posted in their math Schoology course.

Please check with your student and reach out to your student’s math teacher with any questions!

SCMS Announcements

Make sure to check out the announcements on our SCMS webpage. We have some wonderful news about our Principal, Mr. Simmons, as well as our Multilingual Department Chair/Teacher, Dr. Bradinova! 

SOCO STAMPEDE 5K & 1M Family Fun Run  🏃‍♂️ SAVE THE DATE! 🏃‍♀️

📅 Date: March 22nd

🕘 Time: 9:00 AM – Noon

📍 Location: South County MS Campus

🎉 Join us for a fun-filled day of fitness and community spirit!

  • 5K Run
  • 1M Family Fun Run

💸 Early Bird Registration Begins Today! REGISTER HERE Don’t miss out on the chance to secure your spot at a discounted rate!

👟 Bring your family and friends to enjoy a day of fitness, family, and fun! There will be food, raffles, and a DJ.

For more information contact Chris Woodby at [email protected]

Family Race Sign Sponsorship Opportunity

Make your family’s mark on the FIRST EVER SOCO STAMPEDE! Personalized signs with your cheers will line the racecourse, inspiring runners & creating memories. Support SCMS After-School Program & Athletics with your purchase of a sign. Each sign is only $100, and please contact Mr. Chris Woodby at [email protected] to order yours today! SIGN SPONSORSHIP

SEL Screener

FCPS is committed to supporting all students’ mental wellness and social and emotional learning. FCPS approved a Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Screener that students use to share their perspectives on how well their school and community help them develop skills they need to succeed. These skills include achieving goals, understanding and managing emotions, establishing and maintaining relationships with adults and peers, and making responsible decisions. Students also share how successful their school and community are at making them feel valued, included, and supported. These factors are critical to positive academic, social, and emotional success. All students in grades 3-12 have the opportunity to participate in the screener twice a year, in the fall and spring. The SEL Screener elevates the voices of our students by making sure their perspectives are considered in decision-making. Screener data is used to plan programming for the division, schools, and individual students. Division and school level results, which do not include individual student information, may be used by staff to improve SEL and mental wellness practices and to inform strategic plans. Division and school level results may also be shared with the community to describe the needs of our student body and provide opportunities for partnership. Individual students’ Screener data will only be accessible to teachers, administrators, and staff with legitimate educational interests. Results will be maintained in secure files and databases accessible only to these individuals. In partnership with families, staff review this data alongside other information to plan interventions for students with identified needs. Parents and guardians will receive an individualized report regarding their student’s screener results following each assessment window. South County MS will be giving the SEL screener to all students during seminar on Wednesday March 12th. If you do not want your child to take the SEL screener, please complete the attached parent opt-out form and return it to the school no later than Wednesday March 5th. If your child was opted out of the fall SEL screener, he/she will automatically be opted out of the spring SEL screener.

SEL Screener Opt Out Form

SEL Screener Opt Out Spanish.pdf

General Membership Meeting

Our next General Membership meeting will be held on February 26th at 7pm in the front office or you can also join us on Zoom.  As soon as we have a link it will be posted in this newsletter and on Facebook.

We are currently looking for volunteers to fill three board positions for next year.  If this is something you are interested in, please contact us at [email protected]

Staff vs Student Basketball Game

It is almost time for our annual Staff VS. Student Basketball game.  Join us on March 7th!  More details coming soon about tryouts.  Doors open at 6PM, game starts at 6:30PM.  Concessions will be available for purchase.  Tickets purchased in advance will include a free drink.  Tickets can be purchased here

Box Tops For Education

Remember to think of South County Middle School when you do your shopping. Remember all you have to do is scan your receipt in the app and select SCMS as your school of choice. Every little bit helps!

Pizza Tuesday

Help Support us on Tuesdays by ordering pizza from Papa Johns and you will get a discount too!

Order online from the Fairfax Station Papa Johns on Silverbrook and use promo code SCMS4010

Reading Opens the World

FCFT will be holding another Reading Opens the World event at the Lorton Community Center on Saturday, February 8 from 10:00 AM - 2:00  PM.  At this event, we will be giving away over 30,000 books to the Fairfax Community, with up to 10 books for each student and 50 books for each educator to add to their classroom library.  Thank you!

David P. Walrod


Fairfax County Federation of Teachers

Fairfax County ROTW Flyer

Fairfax County ROTW 2025 Flyer Spanish

Make Sure Your Children Are Up-to-Date on Immunizations

Please make sure your child has all of their necessary immunizations. Remember, all students are required to be immunized against certain diseases to attend school in Virginia. This is an important part of keeping children healthy!

Starting Monday, May 19, students who have not provided proof of immunization may not be allowed to attend school. You can check your child’s immunization status and submit updated immunization information by accessing SIS ParentVUE

Please check with your healthcare provider to make sure your child is up to date on required immunizations for the 2024-25 school year. If your child needs an immunization, make an appointment with your healthcare provider, visit the Fairfax County Health Department website for a list of child immunization clinics, or view other Immunization Resources. Be wise and immunize!

Black History Month Kick-Off Celebration (Note: Date Change)

FCPS’ Chief Equity Office invites the community to an Inaugural Black History Month Kickoff Celebration on Wednesday, February 19, 5:30-7:30 p.m., at Carter G. Woodson High School.   

The event begins with a light reception followed by a formal program, From the Threads of Our Past to the Fabric of Our Future. The program will honor the enduring contributions of Black history and culture while envisioning a future rooted in equity and excellence. It will include inspiring performances, personal stories, reflections, and opportunities to connect and celebrate. The event is open to the entire community. 

For more information, contact Nina Thomas, senior manager for Professional Learning and Cultural Responsiveness.

Students Invited to Share Their Voices at the 2025 Family Summit

The 2025 FCPS Family Summit will take place on Saturday, March 15, at South Lakes High School. Visit the Family Summit webpage for more information. 

At the event, FCPS students are invited to showcase projects and advocacy efforts around inclusivity in schools. This is a great resume-building opportunity, and students can earn service hours as well. Students may share their work in a share-fair environment using posters, essays, videos, songs, or art. They will interact with attendees through conversations about their work, ideas, and efforts to foster inclusivity in school communities. 

Students must use this Google Form to participate by Monday, February 17. A list of possible projects is also on the form. More information will be provided after the student’s submission is received. Please contact Manuel Gomez Portillo with any questions. 

✨ Centering student voice is part of FCPS’ Strategic Plan Goal 2: Safe, Supported, Included, and Empowered. 

District News/In Case You Missed It (ICYMI)

In case you missed it in FCPS This Week, the school division shared updates on the following topics and others:

  • Proposed Budget Progress
  • Apply for Dual Immersion and Magnet Lotteries
  • Black History Month Event

8700 Laurel Crest Drive, Lorton, VA 22079  | Main Office: 703-690-5500
Attendance: 703-690-5555 | Web

Farewell to Ms. Norris

GovDelivery1 month 2 weeks ago

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Hello Mustangs,

I am writing to inform you that our Assistant Principal, Meredith Norris, will be leaving South County Middle School on Friday, February 7, 2025, as she has accepted a new position as Supervisor of Administrative Talent Development for Prince William County Public Schools.

While we are sad to see her go, we are incredibly happy for Ms. Norris and this exciting opportunity. She has been an invaluable member of our team, and her hard work, dedication, and support for our students and families have made a real difference at South County.

We know you will join us in thanking Ms. Norris for her service and wishing her the best in her future endeavors. Please feel free to email her before February 7 to say farewell.

In the meantime, we are committed to ensuring a smooth transition. We are securing an interim Assistant Principal to support our students, staff, and families while we thoroughly search for a permanent replacement. We will share updates on the selection process and the interim appointment as they become available.

Again, we thank Ms. Norris for everything she has done for the South County community and wish her the best of luck.

Justin Simmons | Principal | South County Middle School

8700 Laurel Crest Drive, Lorton, VA 22079  | Main Office: 703-690-5500
Attendance: 703-690-5555 | Web

South County 5K & 1M Family Fun Run

GovDelivery1 month 2 weeks ago

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SOCO STAMPEDE 5K & 1M      Family Fun Run  SAVE THE DATE!

Date: March 22nd

Time: 9:00 AM – Noon

Location: South County MS Campus

🎉 Join us for a fun-filled day of fitness and community spirit!

  • 5K Run
  • 1M Family Fun Run

💸 Early Bird Registration Begins Today! REGISTER HERE Don’t miss out on the chance to secure your spot at a discounted rate!

👟 Bring your family and friends to enjoy a day of fitness, family, and fun! There will be food, raffles, and a DJ.

For more information contact Chris Woodby at [email protected]


Family Race Sign Sponsorship Opportunity

Make your family’s mark on the FIRST EVER SOCO STAMPEDE! Personalized signs with your cheers will line the racecourse, inspiring runners & creating memories. Support SCMS After-School Program & Athletics with your purchase of a sign. Each sign is only $100, and please contact Mr. Chris Woodby at [email protected] to order yours today! SIGN SPONSORSHIP


8700 Laurel Crest Drive, Lorton, VA 22079  | Main Office: 703-690-5500
Attendance: 703-690-5555 | Web

Mustang Weekly, January 31, 2025

GovDelivery1 month 3 weeks ago

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English | Español | አማርኛ | 中文 | 한국어 | Tiếng Việt | العربية | فارسی | اردو

Hello Mustangs,

We have reached the halfway point of the school year, and as we enter the third quarter, I want to thank you for being such a vital part of our students’ journeys. They have shown incredible dedication and resilience, and I am impressed with their progress. Your support is key to their continued success, and I’m truly grateful for your partnership. I’m excited to see what we can accomplish for the remainder of the year as we build a supportive and enriching environment where every member of our school community thrives and belongs. As always, thank you for all you do, and please contact us to share any feedback, questions, or concerns. Enjoy your weekend, and we look forward to seeing everyone on Monday.

Justin Simmons | Principal | South County Middle School


January 31 - Beauty and the Beast Jr Theater Production, 7 PM

February 1 - Beauty and the Beast Jr Theater Production, 1 PM & 7 PM

February 3-7 - Rising 8th Grade Academic Advising

February 8 - Reading Opens the World Event, Lorton Community Center, 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM

February 10-14 - Rising 9th Grade Academic Advising

Beauty and the Beast

Beauty and the Beast Jr, this year's school musical, is on January 31st at 7pm and on  February 1st at 1pm and 7pm. This year there is a cast and crew of almost 70 students- come and support them! Please use this link to buy your tickets ahead of time or you can pay at the door.

Beauty and the Beast Tickets 

After School Program

We are excited to share that the SCMS Middle School After School Program is partly funded by the Army through the Army Youth Program in your Neighborhood. To ensure we continue receiving this vital funding, it is essential for all families to complete the middle school after school registration form. If you are Active Army, Active National Guard, and civilian working for the Department of the Army.  Here is the After School Program Registration Form.

If you haven't had a chance to fill out the form yet, we kindly ask you to take a few minutes to do so. Your participation is crucial for the success of our After School Program, allowing us to provide enriching activities and support for our students.

Thank you for your cooperation and support! Together, we can make a positive impact on our students' after-school experiences.


SOCO STAMPEDE 5K & 1M Family Fun Run  🏃‍♂️ SAVE THE DATE! 🏃‍♀️

📅 Date: March 22nd

🕘 Time: 9:00 AM – Noon

📍 Location: South County MS Campus

🎉 Join us for a fun-filled day of fitness and community spirit!

  • 5K Run
  • 1M Family Fun Run

💸 Early Bird Registration Begins Today! REGISTER HERE Don’t miss out on the chance to secure your spot at a discounted rate!

👟 Bring your family and friends to enjoy a day of fitness, family, and fun! There will be food, raffles, and a DJ.

For more information contact Chris Woodby at [email protected]


Family Race Sign Sponsorship Opportunity

Make your family’s mark on the FIRST EVER SOCO STAMPEDE! Personalized signs with your cheers will line the racecourse, inspiring runners & creating memories. Support SCMS After-School Program & Athletics with your purchase of a sign. Each sign is only $100, and please contact Mr. Chris Woodby at [email protected] to order yours today! SIGN SPONSORSHIP

Gradebook Available Until End-of-Quarter

Based on community feedback from the first quarter closure, FCPS revisited the scheduled dates for closing the Gradebook and Report Card modules in the SIS ParentVUE and StudentVUE apps. 

Moving forward, the app will close in alignment with the actual quarter-end dates. This change will allow students and families to view their assignments and grades until the last day of the quarter. Gradebook will be closed for the second quarter from Tuesday, January 28, 4 p.m. to Tuesday, February 4, 6 a.m.

Access Your Child’s Grades Through SIS ParentVue

Learn how your ParentVUE account allows you to easily access grade reports and other helpful information about your child. 

SR&R and Cell Phone Policy Survey

All FCPS families and middle and high school students have received an invitation to participate in a survey about FCPS’ Student Rights and Responsibilities (SR&R), cell phone policy, and cell phone storage options. The survey will be available through Monday, February 3. Please take a few moments to share your feedback and help FCPS make informed, inclusive decisions for all of our schools!

Se Viene Pronto la Encuesta de SR&R y Política de Celulares

Todas las familias de FCPS y estudiantes de escuelas intermedias y secundarias recibirán una invitación por correo electrónico el martes, 21 de enero, para participar en una encuesta acerca de los Derechos y Responsabilidades del Estudiante (SR&R) de FCPS, Política de Teléfonos Celulares, y opciones de almacenamiento de teléfonos celulares. La encuesta estará disponible del 21 de enero al 3 de febrero. Por favor tómese unos minutos para compartir su opinión y ayudar a FCPS a tomar decisiones informadas e inclusivas para todas nuestras escuelas.

Box Tops For Education

Remember to think of South County Middle School when you do your shopping. Remember all you have to do is scan your receipt in the app and select SCMS as your school of choice. Every little bit helps!


Pizza Tuesday

Help Support us on Tuesdays by ordering pizza from Papa Johns and you will get a discount too!

Order online from the Fairfax Station Papa Johns on Silverbrook and use promo code SCMS4010

Reading Opens the World

FCFT will be holding another Reading Opens the World event at the Lorton Community Center on Saturday, February 8 from 10:00 AM - 2:00  PM.  At this event, we will be giving away over 30,000 books to the Fairfax Community, with up to 10 books for each student and 50 books for each educator to add to their classroom library.  Thank you!

David P. Walrod


Fairfax County Federation of Teachers

Fairfax County ROTW

Fairfax County ROTW 2025 Flyer Spanish


District News/In Case You Missed It (ICYMI)

FCPS NewsIn case you missed it in FCPS This Week, the school division shared updates on the following topics and others:

  • FY 2026 Proposed Budget
  • Student-Driven Lunch Menus
  • Inclusion Awards Nominations

Read FCPS This Week to learn more about these topics. If you are not already receiving this weekly newsletter, please sign up today.  


Virtual Community Boundary Review Meetings

If you have not been able to attend a Community Boundary Review meeting yet, it’s not too late! The following virtual meetings will have the same format and information available as the previous in-person meetings:

Click one of the dates above to register and receive your unique Zoom link. Please note that each virtual meeting will be capped at 400 participants to help provide a meaningful experience for all. Language interpretation will be available. Learn about FCPS’ Comprehensive Boundary Review. Sign up for the School Boundary Review newsletter for updates.

Actualizaciones de la Revisión Integral de Límites

Reuniones virtuales de la Comunidad para la Revisión Integral de Límites se llevarán a cabo:

La inscripción estará disponible próximamente en la página web de Revisión Integral de Límites, donde también podrá informarse sobre el proceso de revisión de límites. Inscríbase también en nuestro boletín de Revisión de Límites Escolares.

8700 Laurel Crest Drive, Lorton, VA 22079  | Main Office: 703-690-5500
Attendance: 703-690-5555 | Web

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